Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Natasha is showing the chosen method of getting down off of the catpost. (look closely, and you can see Louis' paw about to nail little Natasha.)
We got collars for the kitties. We made a mistake of getting Natasha a pink collar, and Louis a red one. So it is still hard at times to tell them apart.

We couldn't choose between the shots, so here is another one!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Little Louis is enjoying the perks of having the latest Harry Potter book delivered.

While Natasha is enjoying the fork I dropped on the floor.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

There are at least 3 fawns hanging around. There is this one. Who decided to hang out near the firewood I was moving, causing me to wait to move it... yup, it is really the the deer's property!
Then there are the twins. They came by and waited in front of our house for about 5 min for their mom to show up. (Natasha was very interested in watching them!) Later we saw the twins running and jumping in circles in the yard, Guess they approve of the mowing.
Louis (front) is a laid back kitty. Every once in a great while Natasha (back) will assist him in resting. (this of course is when they are not galloping thru the house like a herd of wild horses attacking eachother...)

When Louis is resting Natasha has a few favorite things to do. One of her favorite things to do is rush to the toilet after it is flushed to watch the water.

Another of her other favorite things to do is to attack the tv in the bedroom when Mariners baseball is on.

Friday, July 20, 2007

There have been alot of dragon flies lately.
Below was one of the largest dragon flies I saw.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We saw this duck family on the other side of the loop we live on.
The babies are sooo cute!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Natasha (back) and Louis (front) are enjoying watching a bug on the window.
Suzi got her stitches out! I can't imagine how awful that must have felt, what with all the nerves and such. The metal hook of the bungee cord went under her nail. She had 5 stitches, and the Dr removed part of her nail to access the cut. She went back to work today.

While it was sensitive to bumps etc, we looked for a finger splint. We went to 2 stores with no luck. The splints we found covered the whole finger. So we fashioned one out of a disposable baby spoon.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I finally got a shot of this cool looking bird. It has been hanging out for a couple of days now.
We had to laugh. The kitties were taking turns cleaning Ginger's face, intluding her eye cruddies.

Both Ginger and Samantha are so very tolerant of the kitties!
Had a great sun rise this morning!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Little Louis was having trouble getting up the cat post we made out of a tree, so we are making one out of dimensional lumber that will be covered all in carpet. We are not done yet, but the kitties are having fun playing king of the hill with the top of the post, so we are waiting to put the top platform on.

You can tell who is on top by how they sit... Loius choses the draping technique,
While Natasha prefers to perch on the post.
Momma brought her fawn by for Shandi to see.
I guess little Loius is living up to his namesake! (think Interview With a Vampire)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Saw Carisha and Joe's pets today. Jack and Smudge were upset with me for not bringing food...

Alice is getting bigger...
We were in Bellevue today... the city of cranes... (Joe said there were 13 large cranes) Anyway, we noticed the cranes are multiplying! There are baby cranes at the top of some buildings...
Toilet training update:
We purchased a disposable roasting pan at the dollar store, and form fitted it to fit the toilet bowl.
Then we put some kitty litter in the bowl, keeping their regular litter box in place. The kitties were both intrigued!
That was last night.

This morning we had a little kitty gift in the toilet! We thought this was a positive sign... We will continue to move the regular litter box closer to the toilet.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

We have acquired quite the talented little brood...
Little Natasha is quite the rock climber, but note, safety first little Loius is there spotting her:

And little Louis Bear is an accomplished pianist:
Shandi is here!
Little Natasha is really taking to their new cat post. (Loius is still trying to figure out how to get up there...)
We had a little Cedar tree out back that got tipped over from the heavy snow this last spring, and was dying, so we decided it was perfect for a cat post.

We are in the process of making a carpeted post for little Louis. It should be easier to get up with steps and all...
Toilet training update: Yes, we are going to attempt to train the kitties to use the toilet. We had trained Buggs, but she fell in while attempting a #2, and that was the end of that. (however if we were neglectful of our litter cleaning duties, she would occasionally do #1 in the toilet.)
these 2 are more agile than Buggs which gives us hope, but the fact that there are 2 of them sounds challenging...

We have been slowly moving the litter box towards the chosen toilet.

here you can see we took the back of the toilet lid off, to keep the kitties from slamming the lid onto eachother...
The deer came by this morning showing off our progress on the field.

The twins were here also. they had a blast running and hopping in circles in the open field!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Little Natasha is getting HUGE!

What do you do when it is hot out... why take a siesta of course...
soon it will be easier to see the deer. I am working on knocking down the tall grass. Due to fire season, and there was a cougar siting next door. all that tall grass looks like a great spot for a big cat to hide!

The twins came by.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Jasmine plant at Joe and Carisha's is in bloom. Sure smells good!

We have been waiting for it to get done blooming just for the smell. As you can see here, it has gotten out of hand, and is in desperate need of a cut.
By request, here is a shot of Suzi's misshap. We were using a bungee cord, and when I pulled on it, it broke. The metal end went under Suzi's nail. She bled real nice, and got 5 stitches for her effort. Since she works at the hospital to err on the side of caution (super bugs etc) she is going to take a week or so off.
Little Natasha likes her toy mice! I just hope she likes the live ones as much!
She discovered the holes above the fireplace today. By the time Suzi got to her she had her shoulders thru the hole, and Suzi was able to grab her rear end to pull her back. When we noticed her at first, she had her back feet on the top black backing.

Fortunately duct tape fixes everything...