Thursday, May 31, 2007

This little humming bird is sitting on the phone lines to our house.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Remember when we were in Florida last year, and I got this pic of the Turkey Vultures mating?
Well, I got to witness the same thing (sorry no pics) with the ravens in our driveway. Then it looked like these 2 Stellar Jays were about to partake in the same dance, but they stopped premature. (I think they spotted me in the window.)

Monday, May 28, 2007

One of our neighbors told us there are wild turkeys in the area. We spotted a turkey at the end of our block. It does like to stick around the same house. Is it wild? A pet? Are they just feeding it??? Had to laugh at the turkey on the portch railing of the house…

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happened by the Kenmore park and ride today, so I stopped by to see how the Great Blue Herons are doing. Not as many as last year, but there were some happy couples squawking away!

This deer came wandering in today. Didn't care at all that we were in the driveway, just chose a spot and got comfy. We were wondering if it was a boy??? A definite maybe...

Friday, May 25, 2007

We took a walk down by the river in Monroe today. Every time I turned around, this is what I saw:
Yup, it is Salmon Berry season! Suzi is in heaven!
The Stellar Jays have found the new suet.
Suzi loved the way this guy is looking at us.

At first we thought this Oriole was a Robin.
***on edit I have been informed that it is acutally a black headed grosbeak. Note the short, heavy, seed cracking bill. (thanks Mike)***

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Saw this guy yesterday. Not the best shot, but you get the idea. He is sitting on one of the metal fence posts. The way it was acting, we were thinking it is a woodpecker??

**** update: it is a Red Shafted Flicker in the woodpecker family ***

Friday, May 18, 2007

I got dive bombed by this little humming bird.

He must have seen the feeder that we have procrastinated on putting out...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our little Buger Bear kitty lost her fight with renal failure. She passed away at home. We burried her on a hill overlooking the front of the property. We planted this Rhodie over her gravesite. She often escaped the confines of the house only to hide under the large rhodie plants near the house.

Buger Bear
Gentle steps move up onto my tummy
Purring and kneading comforting
and healing
Company at the oddest hours
Dream Sharing
Untamed spirit moving through
the blades of grass
Stalking her unwary prey
Now she is free
And never forgotten

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Did some beauty barking yesterday. Here is the before shot. I was 1/2 way done weeding here...
Here is the after bark shot... I put it on fairly deep, so hopefully it will be awhile before the weeds poke themselves up again...
Still lots to do on the yard!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Saw this little bird in our front yard... Have seen him before, but is one that is hard to get a shot of...maybe next time I will get a crisper shot...
***** edit *****
I am told that this is a Western Tanager. Thanks

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Saw these cool prints down in the bog area...
**** UPDATE: found out these are racoon tracks ****
Been busy lately... lots going on mostly with the Bugger kitty. She is going up and down, like a roller coaster. Yesterday was a sad day. Her boy Joe came by to say good bye to her. He grew up with a total of 3 dogs and 3 cats, and I think that Buggs was by far his favorite of them all. She used to cuddle up with him at night.

It was nice to see Joe!