Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Drove across the Narrows Bridge in the Tacoma area. They are coming right along on the new bridge.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Been busy this weekend. Been driving all over looking at campers. Took this shot of Mt Baker while up in Marysville.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Spotted this Red Tailed Hawk down the block the other day. Was wishing the light was better. Makes me miss the photo opportunities in sunny Florida! Still was neat to see it!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Other than the weather, life sure has been mundane lately. That has it's good attributes. We have been heating with our wood stove a lot this winter. We have wood, but are dwindling down to the rounds that have yet to be split. some of them have so many knots that it is making them difficult to split, even though they have seasoned for a couple of years. We decided it was time to research wood splitters. Didn't really want to spend over a grand on a splitter, but found an electric that got great ratings on the web.

I put a 2 year old Maple log that was 20inches round at the smallest spot, and 18inches in length.

That little splitter split it like it was nothing!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The rain is back, making the snow leave. :( Guess the car will come out of the garage soon, maybe today, and it is about time for the truck to have a bath. I am wanting to clean the undercarriage also, due to all the chemicals they have been putting on the road.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This was this morning at the intersection of Boren and Pike in Seattle.

The kids on sleds this afternoon at the Arboretum in Seattle drove the girls crazy! They REALLY wanted to help!
This is our frozen over seasonal creek.

Monday, January 15, 2007

This is great the way the snow is hanging around! These are the Apple and Pear trees. Supposed to snow a bit tonight, then get warm and rain the snow and ice away.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Samantha and I sure are having fun in all this snow!

We're done playing... for now!

Friday, January 12, 2007

20F here right now. Which is VERY rare for the Pacific NW! But boy it it pretty!

We heard the MacNaught comet was visible last night, so we took a peek. This was taken from Golden Gardens Park in Seattle. It looked better thru the binoculars.
It should be visible again tonight. At sunset near where the goes below the horizon.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Samantha and I are very excited! We finally got a good ammount of snow to romp in! It measured at 4 inches this morning...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We got a bit of snow last night. Not as much as they predicted which is typical of the forecasters around here. These 2 bucks strolled in this morning.
This guy is Shiner. He was the one with a swolen eye last fall. He is missing one of his spikes already...
This one we call Tear, he has a big rip in his right ear. It would be nice if he would drop off his rack in my yard! He sure is savoring his snack!

They seemed to be enjoying a snack on our burn pile. It is full of the branches of the tree that fell across our driveway last november. We kind of waited to clean up the tree since the deer kept coming around to snack on it. We didn't see them for a couple of days so we limbed it and put the branches on the burn pile... made a great snack!
I didn't blog for several days, not much happening other than playing with collecting firewood for next year.