Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and all that jazz... Finally, the season of holiday spending is coming to a quick close! whew!

sure has been beautiful around here lately!

Friday, December 21, 2007

The kitties are sure enjoying their first holiday season!
Hanging the stockings by the fireplace is out, Natasha seems to think it is fun to take them down, and since we use the fireplace insert for heat, we were worried about the fire hazard.
They got a new litter box. We gave up on the toilet training. Louis was doing fine, but little Natasha would not hear of it... We thought about getting an automatic litterbox, and after alot of research about price and breakability we decided on the large Omega Paw litter box.
To scoop the litter, we roll the box. It works great! no more personal scooping!

course, we are not sure what they prefer more, the litter box, or the cardboard box it came in!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Got home today to find this Buck rubbing his horns on the willows. Frost never did go away today.

Kitties like it when we bring in wood. They take care of any/ all bugs that come with it.
Been busy at Joe's lately, we had a water issue. There are 2 sump pumps, one flows the water from one side of the crawlspace to the other side, and the 2nd pump is in the backyard near the house (where the water from the other pump is) it sends the water out to a drain field the previous owners put in.

We had 2 problems. The 1st sump pump under the house quit working. The 2nd pump the drain field is clogged, and it will not take any more water.
This pic is the 2nd pump. That is a 32gal garbage can in the ground. At the bottom of the can is a bucket that the sump pump is in.

We put 25ft of pipe above ground to pump the water out with the 2nd pump.
This is 48 hours of the sump pump running constantly.

Fortunately after 48hrs of pumping, the water line in the crawl space was low enough to have some dry spots. Here is a shot of the water line. I forgot to take a pic when the water was high, but the water was about an inch above the concrete... just enough for the post to soak in it. The insulation on the heat ducts used to not sag like that.

This is the 1st pump. Taken after draining the area a bit. You can see the water line on the concrete. I put in a new pump. (I have not yet checked to see if it is just the switch that went bad)

When we lived there, we rented a backhoe and put in a french drain, so I am going to pipe the 2nd pump over to our drain field for the roof drainage and a french drain for the driveway. I was going to work on it this morning, but the ground was frozen, so I decided to wait. I have the above ground pipe for now. The 2nd pump was running when I was there. no hurry at this point.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Thought I would venture out to check the yards drainage.
This shot is looking towards where the water comes from. It dries up in the summer. The bush in the center of the photo is the edge of Sammy's creek. The house in the background is where the seasonal creek starts.

It is a bit deeper than this morning. The rain is steadily coming down. We have had 2.5 inches since I went to bed last night. We get alot of drizzle, not rain like this...
This is looking towards where the water drains. It goes over 2-3 properties to a pond/ bog.

Took this shot from Suzi's blueberry bushes.
Water water everywhere... I was worried when I saw how much water was on the high side of our driveway. At first I thought the culvert under the driveway was clogged, but when I looked, it is pumping out pretty good on the other side.

Saw on the news this supposed to be a record day for percipitation in a day here. Lots of urban flooding, and mud slides around the puget sound today. At least they downgraded the wind storm that is on it's way.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Ginger got wiped out playing in the snow today.
Sam has to agree with Ginger.

Must be the hard work they put in on their snowman!
The snow melted yesterday, now we woke up to 4 inches of the white stuff, and it is still snowing. It won't be here long though, the pinapple express is on the way, so it will change to rain, and is supposed to break 50F Monday. toasty! There is a flood watch in place.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Saw this hawk this afternoon.
Happy Thanksgiving! Been great weather here! Frosty mornings and brisk afternoons with lots of sun! A rare treat!

Monday, November 19, 2007

According to Natasha we brought in a new toy for her to play with... yup, a ladder

We brought it in to take the ceiling fan down. Natasha was very helpful inspecting the project...

Going back down the ladder was a challenge...

Oops... those metal ladders are slippery...

Once we got the fan down, she had to scramble back up the ladder for a quick inspection of our work...

Loius on the other hand never climbed the ladder. This shot of him on the right is the closest he got to attempting it...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thought it was cute seeing the herd all together...

Where ever Ginger is, Loius is sure to be close by...
It was a nice sunrise this morning. Course the photo's never do the sky justice!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Deer have been spending alot of weekends bedded down on / near the rv pad.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Louis is getting bigger. He sure loves his dogs... he tries to cuddle with them all the time, but when ever he flopps on them they just sigh and move...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ok, new dog in the family, yup we're not THAT crazy... maybe... Bear is Joe and Carisha's new 4 year old puppy.

Meet Bear! We have a new family member!! :)

His first day has been grueling! He got to go to the vet and get his shots, turns out he has a chronic ear infection in both of his ears, and is now on antibiotics and otic cream. He also got a bath!

He was wiped out when he passed out on Kim!

Good thing he got some rest cause he is at the vet getting fixed right now!

Monday, October 15, 2007

We have been having some great sunrises lateley. Louis even enjoys watching the sunrise!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Noticed this 2 point buck has been hanging out with one of the babies. Look close, it is also a buck.

Here is a better shot of the bumps on the baby.

The 2 point buck (shiner?) is laying with this years baby.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Decided to go to Pacific Beach the other day since it was a nice day out.

Samantha was having a blast rip roaring!

I think a good time was had by all!

We were wishing we had brought our camper, the State Campground is right on the beach here