Tuesday, November 28, 2006

snow pics

Suzi's weeping willow tree is looking good today!

It took 1.5 hours each way to Seattle today... not bad considering that it normally takes 1 hr. I really missed the mountains while we were away last year, but on days like this I realize how much I miss the snow also!

The girls are sure having a blast with all the snow!

Ginger is modeling the snow depth. The tv said last evening we got 6inches of snow in 2 hours.

Samantha was being the great hunter! occasionally poking her head in the snow.
I got Suzi home last night. When we left Seattle it was sunny and dry, but it still took us 5 hours to get home. Hwy 522 was so slic that the cars were having a hard time getting up the hill by Costco in Woodinville, so they closed HWY 522. We were glad to be Costco members so we could take a break from the road and top off the gas tank... It was interesting finding roads we could go down since the main roads were clogged with travelers... but we got her done.
Getting ready to head out again now... Suzi works today... Boy that truck sure does handle nice in adverse weather... guess this is where I yet again thank my dad for talking me into a 4X4.. it was nice to not have to gather weight, or put on the chains!

Monday, November 27, 2006

here we are at our little oasis called costco...
It's snowing again... :)
Well, we got to see some of the white stuff! It started snowing yesterday late afternoon.

We have gotten around 3-4 inches so far, but some of it melted.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Today was a brisk day! Normally we do not get much snow around the Puget Sound. Last night the snow level got down to the 500ft level. (we live at 400ft)
Here is what the view from our mailbox was like.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Suzi and I already did Thanksgiving. Turned out Joe, Carisha, and Suzi all had a off at the same time! A rare moment these days!

Joe and Carisha now have lots of pets. Here is Joe, the lizard tamer, with Brax the Chinese water dragon, the newest addition. Brax is supposed to get 2.5 ft long, boy can he run fast!

Alice the bearded dragon has grown a lot since we last saw her.

Joe and Carisha used to live next to the local graveyard, and they found Routy the guinea pig. He didn't look so good, and his teeth were too long, so they brought him home. Then she read that a guinea pig can die of loneliness, so she went out and got Jack the white one. Routy really likes his turtle shell to hide in...

This is Wax, he tipped over and I got this shot before Joe came to his rescue. He shares a tank with Alice.

They also have numerous fish and frogs...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Spent the last couple of days cleaning up after the last storm. We have a bunch of dead Alder trees on our property. (of course they are not the ones blocking our view of the mts) any way, 3 of the trees got topped off leaving a mess on our driveway. I cut down several others that looked like they were about to fall. Still have 1 more by the driveway to cut down, and 3-4 in the yard that I am not going to worry about for a bit...

Here is a shot of the last storm coming thru...

Today is the 3rd day that the sun has been out! Expecting another round tomorrow though... Guess today is a good day to rest!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sammy is glad that her seasonal creek has water back. It has been dry all summer.

Friday, November 10, 2006

We had a brief repreive from the rain. Here is the view from our livingroom. course today it is raining again, with no letup in site. Not worried about flooding since it is snowing in the mountains, so the runoff is not coming down to the lowlands.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I put out our rain gage last Sunday, we got 9.5inches of rain in about 60hours. The media is now saying there was record flooding on most rivers. With record rain fall. When we bought this house we were looking in Duvall also. We are glad we didn't buy there since they are an island now with the only way in/out is by helicopter.

The water is receding now. Our seasonal creek is now back to normal.

Haven't seen our deer since last Sunday. Today our youngest came by. Noticed she is getting some of the mange like problems with her coat.
I am curious as to why she is alone?? It wasn't long ago that she had white spots.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It has been wet here.
We live 1/2 way between Monroe and Sultan WA. Both of those school districts were closed today due to flooding.
In surrounding areas there has been the worst flooding in many years. The storm that graced us is called the pineapple express. Which is the warm wet weather from Hawaii. I have not been able to get online for several days now

We have a seasonal creek (drainage ditch) that cuts across our front yard. it is full. We have gotten over an inch of rain in the last 12 hours. I have checked, and the water is flowing just fine. There is just a lot to process...

I took drive to town to peek at the Skykomish River. I was going to see how it looked down were I had blogged pics of the sunrise before, but could not get close to the river. This is the little bridge that crosses Woods creek. The river is on the other side of the trees.

I stopped by Riverside park. Which is a park of ball fields.

This is taken from the bridge that goes from Monroe to Duvall WA. The road is closed between the 2 towns due to water over the roadway. On the right is the parking lot in the trees where the boat dock is.

I noticed there were some large salmon swimming in the parking lot.

This kid was attempting to catch one, but was only able to pet it’s slimy tail fin.

I decided to go home via Sultan. This is the roadside park next to where the Sultan River flows under the bridge (US Hwy 2) in the photo, and dumps into the Skykomish River on the other side.

These are the houses you see as you come into Sultan when crossing the bridge on US Hwy 2.

Always wondered about those houses that the driveway goes in the downward direction...

Found this guy rowing over to his house in Sultan.

all in all, it kind of makes our little puddle out front look small!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The weather is finally feeling like the North West! Blustery summs it up... We are expecting one system after another to come thru.
This morning we had a lul in the wind and rain, making for a great sunrise.