Thursday, August 31, 2006

Had an old friend drop by the other day... I think... Had 5 deer in the yard all day, one was a really nice looking buck, and I think it is the same one that used to come by before we took our year long journey. We had named him Tex due to the mange like markings on his side.

He brought these 2 bucks with him... son and grandson???

He also had a couple of does with him...

It sure was nice to see them. When I left to get Suzi I could see the ears poking up in the tall grass, and when we got back we did not see any ears, but later we saw them cross our driveway, then a short time later the momma deer with her bambi deer came by going the other direction.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

We needed to figure a way to dump our sewage tanks at home, so we purchased a 12 volt Macerator to chew up solids, and pump it up hill to our house. The clear plastic pipe with it's own dump valve is a flush king, which we already had.
The red hose on the left is the hose that goes to the sewer, or in our case the septic tank. The green hose on the right is to back flush the tanks and rinse them out.

We decided since our septic tank is on the other side of the house from where we park our RV to pipe it into the sewer pipes under the house. It is pumped 175ft thru a 3/4 inch hose. I found various pvc pipe fittings to do the step up to the larger size pipe under the house. Works great!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Had 3 deer stop by that I didn't recognize today. They were fun to watch, chasing eachother around. One attempted to mount another, but I did not see any horns off hand???

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

We found this little artichoke plant along the sidewalk in North Seattle.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Had a better night. Sitting on the portch, we noticed a couple of deer wandering/ grazing. It was the momma with her little bambi deer.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Was a bit crazy yesterday. I parked in Seattle, and while I was looking at the parking kiosk I heard a big bang! I looked up to see the small suv spinning in a circle, then slowly roll to a resting stop against our car. Ginger and Samantha were in the back seat, and seemed unaffected...

Unaffected that is... until all the police, aid cars, and fire truck showed up with sirens blazing! then they got a bit scared. They received lots of scritches and helped calm the nerves of both them and others.

Here you can see the car in the distance was evidently the responsible party to the accident.

At first the guy in the white car was a jerk, and seemed to be on something, and was agitated, then he kept making attemts to flee the scene but good samaritans kept him there. Then when the first cop showed up while he was in the SUV checking on the driver, someone yelled that the other driver was fleeing the scene on foot, I tapped the cop and pointed and told him the guy was leaving, and that he was the one in the white cap... The cop took chase hollering out to watch his car... the subject was apprehended partway up the hill in the distance. He got to finally leave the scene in the back seat of a police car. Rumor at the scene was that they found both drugs and stolen property in his car... a rental with no insurance...

Our car appeared to be fine, that is until the tow truck driver pushed the suv into our car. causing a dimple in the fender, and the wheel is no longer straight...
Here is a shot of the bad side...

This is what the other side looks like. Not much, just enough to need a tow.

EDIT: got the estimate on the car. $1830+ just in mechanical damage, not to mention the dent in the fender...

Friday, August 18, 2006

This is taken on the Skykomish River in Monroe. The bridge in the distance is the Monroe to Duvall road. (hwy 203)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Been a bit busy lately. made a decision, we have decided to sell our 5er! We enjoyed having it, but it is time to move on now.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

more view from porch... too bad the power lines are in the way of the view...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wildlife pic of the day...
Saw this little guy hanging from a tree while mowing. It was less than an inch long. I love how the little suction cups are visible here.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Had a mommy deer come in with her bambi baby. Loved the way mommy is watching me here. When I first went to take the pics, with the tall grass I didn't realize the baby was even there.

This is a great shot of the mommy deer.

This is a bit blury, but here is a shot of the bambi deer.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sammy got a little scratch or someting, and being a dog, she has chewed her side up a bit. Instead of putting a cone on her, (which she hates), we rigged up a t-shirt for her to romp in.

Here she is playing hide and seek with a mouse.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

Been having a hard time uploading pics, but it seems to be ok now.

I think this is the deer that has been limping. Her limp seems better now if it is the same one...

I think she is eating too many apples, and needs to cut back a bit...