Was a bit crazy yesterday. I parked in Seattle, and while I was looking at the parking kiosk I heard a big bang! I looked up to see the small suv spinning in a circle, then slowly roll to a resting stop against our car. Ginger and Samantha were in the back seat, and seemed unaffected...

Unaffected that is... until all the police, aid cars, and fire truck showed up with sirens blazing! then they got a bit scared. They received lots of scritches and helped calm the nerves of both them and others.
Here you can see the car in the distance was evidently the responsible party to the accident.

At first the guy in the white car was a jerk, and seemed to be on something, and was agitated, then he kept making attemts to flee the scene but good samaritans kept him there. Then when the first cop showed up while he was in the SUV checking on the driver, someone yelled that the other driver was fleeing the scene on foot, I tapped the cop and pointed and told him the guy was leaving, and that he was the one in the white cap... The cop took chase hollering out to watch his car... the subject was apprehended partway up the hill in the distance. He got to finally leave the scene in the back seat of a police car. Rumor at the scene was that they found both drugs and stolen property in his car... a rental with no insurance...

Our car appeared to be fine, that is until the tow truck driver pushed the suv into our car. causing a dimple in the fender, and the wheel is no longer straight...
Here is a shot of the bad side...

This is what the other side looks like. Not much, just enough to need a tow.

EDIT: got the estimate on the car. $1830+ just in mechanical damage, not to mention the dent in the fender...