Thursday, June 29, 2006

Took a trip up to Steven's Pass. There was a bit of snow left yet at the ski area. Not for much longer though. It was 88F degrees when this pic was taken.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Saw this little deer early in the morning. The steam is off of the neighbors pond.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

We took Bugs for a little walk down the driveway today. She started stalking something. She finaly settled in flicking her tail. I think if she had her way she would still be in this position.

She was stalking Niva, the neighbors horse.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

oh boy, blue sky! The mts in the distance are the Olympic Mts. Supposed to be nice for the next week here!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Suzi and I have a new hobbie... We feel like when we were first starting out, and needed to find cheap furniture... See, when we took off last year, we sold, gave away, and took the majority of our "stuff" to the dump... so now we have a fresh slate. We have been going around and "test driving furniture" and hitting the 2nd hand stores to find goodies. We decided this weekend we needed a tv stand since the dogs seem to think it is in front of the TV where they should stand... We had a budget of less than $5. But we were picky also. Imagine our surprise when at one store Suzi said, "what is that under that other table?" We unburied our treasure, and since it was Father's day it was 1/2 price!

Turned out we were around the corner from our nesting Great Blue Heron friends, so we stopped by to check in on them. Most of the nests were empty now. Including the one we had the best view of. We did have fun watching these guys balancing up and down the branch. They would spread their wings and walk out on the branch in such a way that it reminded me of a little kid spreading thier arms out and attempting to balance on a curb.

I turned around and saw this young Great Blue Heron walking around. Looked like he was hunting. Reminded me of watching the birds back in Florida!

Friday, June 16, 2006

While waiting for Suzi's bus to show up in the afternoon, we often watch the little black birds swoop down upon the crows. Some sort of behaviorial management program the crows are on...

What we didn't realize was that the little black birds are Red Winged Black Birds.

We also saw this little guy up the hill from the others.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

This is a view of the Evergreen Floating Bridge. Yes, the bridge deck really floats on the water.

The backup here is due to some guy ran out of gas. According to the traffic guys on the radio, the guy refused the free gallon of gas offered by the guys that showed up to help because it was not a high enough octane gas. Guess he missed the part in the taking better of your car where you should keep the top half of the tank full...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Found this spider while weeding today. Those are babies stacked on it's back!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sunday, June 04, 2006

We took a moment today and went to check on the Great Blue Heron Chicks.

They are looking pretty Big.

Look a bit like an Ostrich to us...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Joe and Carisha now have 2 pets.

Rottie the Guinea Pig

And Alice the Bearded Dragon.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Had some liquid sunshine this afternoon. Samantha enjoyed waiting for Suzi to arrive on the bus.