Wednesday, May 31, 2006

This morning's sunrise was a treat. This was taken from the front porch.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Suzi got real excited when she saw the little orange berries on the bush.

She found some ripe Salmon Berries!

Oh boy this means we will be grazing all over the property for awhile! Sam and I are enjoying every moment!
It's the little things. We got soooo very exctied to see the blue sky this morning!!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Friday, May 26, 2006

We have caught a few glimpses of our local deer. Today I was out checking the mail, and saw the deer meandering down the road.

It was nice to see the young buck with his velvets.
log jumping event

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Have not had a chance to write for a bit, We finally moved back onto our property. Here is Samantha checking out the view of the yard from the front porch.

Note I said property, not house... The house is a mess, it smells to us like urine, my brother said it smelled like horses. In any case, we decided to take up the carpet yesterday. Today there is a marked difference. It still smells, but not so much as to not be able to breath the air. I don't know how people can live like that!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

We stopped by and saw the Great Blue Heron Chicks again today.

Turned out there were 3 babies in the nest!

We got there just in just in time for feeding.

A mother's work is never done. Happy Mother's day!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Went to Kenmore and checked on the Great Blue Heron Babies. Boy have they grown!

We are going to check back on them more often now that we have a ride that gets better gas mileage!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Finally got a chance to peek at the outside of the house. no room to park the 5th wheel, so it will be a bit before we can take our house on wheels there. The renters are supposed to come out this Sat and take it all away...

The biggest problem it appears is the burned Cedar tree in the front yard. They pruned a couple of trees close to the house also, our Japanese Maple shown here has and interesting cut...?

Inside the house should be ready soon. Realtor still needs to do a walk thru to see how much damage was done.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Monday, May 08, 2006

Frosty Mt Stickney, our view out our back window here. In the lower left corner you can see Wallace Falls.

Wallace falls.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Well, today was definitely a busy day. We went shopping... oops, spent waaaaay too much $$$!!
Hopefully we will make it up in mileage. We purchased a hybrid car, a 2005 Toyota Prius. Had to laugh, we got the gray one... same color as our truck...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Smokey the dog...

Today was a VERY exciting day! We got to go visiting old friends. Back when Samantha joined our herd, she came complete with 4 puppies in her tummy! One of those puppies went to a close friend of our staff. So we get to see him often! He was so excited to see us, as we were him! He spent the first few moments licking both of our faces. Samantha was whining with excitement at seeing her boy!

Sam had a great time running in the backyard... wonder why she is running so fast???

Oh yeah, Smokey's brothers Teddy Bear and Titan were chasing her.

Sam finally got a bit tired and took a rest in the corner.

We had a blast in the backyard, even if I was a bit strict with the little ones...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Mt view from Edmonds

While we were in Edmonds we noticed Mt Baker was peeking her head up!

It was also great to see the Olympic Mts in the distance across the water!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Great Blue Heron Nests

We picked Suzi up at a different Park & Ride lot. Came upon a bunch of Great Blue Heron Nests at the back of the P&R lot!

There are babies in them there nests!

They even have a web cam at

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Edmonds doggie Walk

We had to go back to the Ferry in Edmonds, so we took the opportunity to go to the off leash doggie walk there again!

It was exciting getting numerous opportunities for sniffing other dogs rears!

We were here at high tide this time. Samantha was confused. I think she was thinking she had more time, like at the ocean. The waves here reminded us of lake Superior last year. Samantha kept getting hit by waves there also.

This is a great place for the water dogs. Samantha and I had a blast just being shore bird like on the beach.

Monday, May 01, 2006

We took Shandi on a short hike to see an old train tunnel in the Cascade mountains while she was here.

We came across this small cascading waterfall on the way to the trailhead.

We went to a small section of the Iron Goat Railroad Grade. We think this series of trails is one of the greatest things about the North West.

You can access before and after shots of the area on their web page:

The alders up here didn't quite have their leaves yet, unlike Seattle which is in full springtime bloom right now.

It was soothing to listen to the water as it trickled it's way down the sides of the rock walls along the trail.

Back a the turn of the 20th Century when the trains came thru here there were numerous problems with avalanches swiping across the tracks. The railroad put in wood snow shelters along the way to help keep the trains out of harms way. Wood being what it is, has rotted out, leaving piles of wood along the path where they once stood. This particular collapsed structure was erected in 1916.

It was nice of Suzi, Shandi and Samantha to get into this shot for scale. This tunnel was constructed in the early 1890's.

We saw lots of butterflies fluttering around during our hike.